Renaissance wax polish
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Product description
Package 65ml or 3L.
RENAISSANCE WAX-POLISH was originally invented in British research laboratories in 1950, commissioned by the British Museum of Technology.
In tests, British researchers found that all existing commercial waxes, based on the usual natural waxes (beeswax and carnauba wax), contain acids that over time can damage the original finishes, restored furniture, leather, metals and other materials used.
Researchers have studied new so-called "fossil" or microcrystalline waxes, from refined petroleum, and have been able to find new waxes for many industries, from cosmetics and pharmaceuticals to heavy engineering.
The mixture resulting from this research was intended for the long-term protection of all types of museum exhibits. Finally, the British Museum of Technology could use RENAISSANCE WAX-POLISH , without fear of damaging the surfaces of prized exhibits.
For more than forty years,
Professional restorers, retailers, restorers, craftsmen and individuals around the world enjoy RENAISSANCE WAX to protect their collections, products and other items.
Polishes and protects:
RENAISSANCE WAX forms a barrier against fingerprints and the devastation of water, wine, alcohol and other substances. It has a very high resistance to moisture, creates a durable, shiny protective layer. Prevents corrosion and remains completely waterproof.
Small amount big effect:
In addition, RENAISSANCE WAX is very economical, just apply a minimal amount and the result is surprising and amazing. Airtight packaging keeps the wax in perfect condition, always spreadable, without drying out, with unlimited durability.
Preserves and cleans:
RENAISSANCE WAX not only preserves but also cleans the surface. After application, the details of the surface remain crystal clear, RENAISSANCE WAX removes previously used waxes, reveals fine details of materials, especially wood, does not leave stains.
For use on:
Antique furniture, metals, jewelry, glass, enamel, leather, wood, ivory, bones, sculptures, porcelain, ceramics, cutlery, knives, swords, armor, carvings, antiques, bindings of old books, clocks, paintings, oil, acrylic, gouaches, tempera, alkyds, pastels, photographic reproductions, Scrimshaw engravings, in industry eg injection mold protection, cars, boats and yachts, golf clubs, firearms and much, much more! RENAISSANCE WAX is absolutely universal and its quality surpasses other restoration waxes and preparations.
RENAISSANCE WAX is currently used by National Museums and other institutions around the world.
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Leští a chrání:
RENAISSANCE WAX tvoří bariéru proti otiskům prstů a devastaci vody, vína, alkoholu a jiných látek. Má velmi vysokou odolnost proti vlhkosti, vytváří odolnou, lesklou ochrannou vrstvu. Zabraňuje korozi a zůstává zcela vodotěsný.
Malé množství velký účinek:
RENAISSANCE WAX je navíc velmi hospodárný , stačí nanést minimální množství a výsledek je převapující a úžasný. Vzduchotěsná balení udržuje vosk v perfektním stavu, vždy roztíratelný, bez jeho vysychání, s neomezenou trvanlivostí.
Konzervuje a čistí:
RENAISSANCE WAX nejen konzervuje , ale i čistí povrch. Po aplikaci zůstanou detaily povrchu křišťálově čisté , RENAISSANCE WAX odstraňuje předchozí použité vosky , odhaluje jemné detaily materiálů , zvláště dřeva, nezanechává skvrny.
Pro použití na:
Starožitný nábytek , kovy , šperky, sklo, smalt , kůže , dřevo , slonovinu , kosti , plastiky, porcelán, keramiku , příbory , nože, meče, zbroj, řezbářské výrobky, starožitnosti , vazby starých knih, hodiny, obrazy, olejová, akrylové, kvaše, tempery, alkydy, pastely, fotografické reprodukce, rytí Scrimshaw, v průmyslu např. ochrana vstřikovacích forem , automobily, lodě a jachty, golfové hole, střelné zbraně a mnoho a mnoho dalšího ! RENAISSANCE WAX je naprosto univerzální a svou kvalitou převyšující ostatní restaurátorské vosky a přípravky.
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